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Of the many POA instances that can exist in a server, only the Root POA is registered with the ORB (see figure 5.3). It is made responsible for receiving requests for any POA, inspecting their target object reference and dispatching them to child POAs as necessary. Since MICO allows for many object adapters, another design would have been to register each POA instance directly with the ORB. However, that would pose a problem with non-existent adapters, as a non-existing POA instance does not mean that the request is undeliverable. Rather, if a POA does not exist, the request must be delivered to the parent POA, which can then invoke its adapter activator to recreate the missing POA. Only the Root POA is guaranteed to exist throughout the server's lifetime - it can be destroyed, but not be reactivated. By handing requests down from the Root POA along the line of descendants, adapter activators can be invoked at each step.
As a slight improvement in configurations with deeply nested child POA's, the Root POA keeps a map of all existing POAs. For an incoming request, the Root POA checks the request's object key, and dispatches the request directly if the responsible POA does exist. Only if the lookup in the global POA map fails does the Root POA need to dissect the POA name into its components in order to locate the most specific existing POA among the missing POA's ancestors.
Once the target POA is found, it proceeds as shown in figure 4.7
to find a servant. Some care was taken in designing the Active Object Map, so
that many active objects can be handled efficiently. The Active Object Map is
a C++ class of its own, actually consisting of two STL maps, one mapping Object
Ids to object records, the other is a multimap mapping servants to object
records.5.2 With STL's runtime complexity guarantees, entries can be found with a runtime
of either by Object Id or by servant.
Beside the servant, an object record holds a full object reference, so that, when requested, this reference can be merely duplicated instead of recomposing it from scratch each time.
Figure 5.4 shows an UML class diagram [42] of the classes used in the reference implementation. The four classes at the top of the diagram are provided by the ORB. POA is the IDL-generated base class, ObjectAdapter the abstract base class for MICO object adapters, ORB the ORB core class, and ORBRequest encapsulates an incoming request. At the bottom, Servant is the base class of all skeletons.
More thinking had to go into the unspecified part of constructing the object key, and into realizing the missing control over persistent objects and their implementations. Both subjects are detailed in the following sections, as is the collocation optimization mechanism to reduce the overhead of method invocations if client and server are in the same process.
The IDL code generation for skeleton classes was taken almost unchanged from the BOA, with minor adjustments for the inheritance and naming convention: the format of requests and their dispatching is the same as before. Without much innovation, the POA skeletons use the same optimizations that already existed for BOA skeletons to use the Static Skeleton Interface.
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