- ... signature2.1
- The signature is the set of all parameter types and the result type.
- ...
- Under the condition that neither client nor server crash.
- ... methods3.1
- CORBA refers to object methods as operations, to distinguish them from
an object's attributes, which are but a special kind of operation. The
terms method and operation can be used synonymously.
- ...
- Tagged components can carry manifold additional service information, like the
native charset to be used for string values. They are in itself opaque, their
contents defined by a component's ``tag,'' which identifies them.
- ... objects,3.3
- The persistence or transience of an object is an Object Adapter concept and
explained in the next chapter.
- ... reply.3.4
- This is not exactly required by the DII specification. A compliant ORB
may block after sending the request until the reply has arrived, thus defying
- ... own,3.5
- One example is POOP, the ``Plain Old Orbix Protocol,'' still available in
current Orbix versions for backward compatibility and, of course, for ``increased
- ... request4.1
- In the C++ language mapping, the skeleton provides a _this method.
- ... activated in.4.2
- Note: This was changed in CORBA 2.3. According to CORBA 2.2, a transient object's lifespan is limited by the lifespan of the process.
- ... adapter.4.3
- In Java, the ORB itself provides connect and disconnect methods
for registering servants.
- ... date.4.4
- Interestingly, while the Smalltalk and Ada server-side mappings share the Java
mapping's status, the POA is readily available in the COBOL mapping.
- ... repository.4.5
- The Implementation Repository documentation of version 0.3.23 mentions the additional
method create_reference_with_virtual_server. It has not been implemented
- ... surprising,4.6
- And usually hard to notice, as failures to invoke a servant manager are to be
ignored. Developers would get suspicious that object state is not saved while
everything else continues to work smoothly.
- ...
- CORBA 2.3 introduces bidirectional GIOP, so Transport and TransportServer will
ultimately have to provide bidirectional data transfer, too.
- ...
- Object Ids can only be activated once and therefore map to at most one object
record. Servants can be activated more than once (depending on the id uniqueness
policy) and therefore map to more than one object record.
- ...
- The preliminary INS specification itself confuses the usage of the identifier
``NameService'' vs. the name ``Naming Service'' several times. The current
distinction when to use which is the result of a newsgroup discussion.
- ... mechanism.5.4
- In TAO 0.3.23 (May 25, 1999), the TAO ORB core maintains a table mapping ``short''
user-selected object keys to default, POA-selected object keys. An implementation
explicitly adds entries into that table using the _tao_add_to_IOR_table
- ... only.5.5
- A C++ language mapping is, according to the ORBit home page, in very early stages
of development.
- ... code5.6
- Comparable numbers are 50.000 for MICO and 60.000 for both TAO and ORBacus.
- ... support.5.7
- See ``Alternative Mappings for C++ Dialects'' in the CORBA 2.2 C++ language
- ...
- If you omit this option, you will receive an
``Invalid Policy'' exception when trying to create a persistent POA.