Frank's Essays

The start of the second gulf war prompted me to "get political," so I wrote my first political essay and put it on this otherwise apolitical web site. I always wanted to get more active and write about things that troubled, bothered or appealed to me. I guess the outbreak of hostilities was enough of a catalyst to start me writing. So consider this my "Web Log," or as some call them, "Blog." I intend to add the occasional text now and then, but let's see if I can keep my motivation going.

The essays are arranged most recent first.

Monsanto buys Disney
April 1, 2004: What if two major corporations decided to cooperate, and rewrite patent and copyright law to suit their bidding? (April fools.)

War on Iraq, Part 2
April 19, 2003: The war is over, or is it?

Depleted Uranium
April 19, 2003: The perfect raw material for terrorists, donated by the friendly United States military.

Passport Required to Enter
April 1, 2003: Microsoft introduces "Mandatory User Identification" as a means for Web sites to identify and track all visitors. (April fools.)

War on Iraq, Part 1
March 22, 2003: The United States starts a unilateral war against a souvereign country, and does their best to ignore international treaties.

Frank Pilhofer <fp -AT-> Back to the Homepage
Last modified: Sun Mar 28 22:25:20 2004