[Inhaltsverzeichnis] [Voriges Kapitel]

8. Literaturverzeichnis

Norman C. Hutchinson. Emerald: An Object-Based Language for Distributed Programming. PhD thesis, Technical Report 87-01-01, Department of Computer Science, University of Washington, Seattle, January 1987.

Eric Jul. Object Mobility in a Distributed Object-Oriented System. PhD thesis, Technical Report 88-12-06, Department of Computer Science, University of Washington, Seattle, December 1988.

Rajenda K. Raj, Ewan Tempero, Henry M. Levy, Andrew P. Black, Norman C. Hutchinson, Eric Jul. Emerald: A General-Purpose Programming Language. Software Practice and Experience, 1990.

A. P. Black. The Eden Programming Language. Technical Report 85-09-01, Department of Computer Science, University of Washington, Seattle, September 1985.

Andrew P. Black, Norman C. Hutchinson, Eric Jul, Henry M. Levy and Larry Carter. Distribution and Abstract Types in Emerald. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 13(1):65-76, January 1987. Also Technical Report 86-02-04, Department of Computer Science, University of Washington, Seattle, February 1986.

Glenn Krasner. Smalltalk-80: Bits of History, Words of Advice. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Massachusetts, 1983.

Courier. The Remote Procedure Call Protocol. XEROX Corporation, XSIS 038112, December 1981.

RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol Specification. Sun Microsystems, RFC-1050, April 1988.
Text file

XDR: External Data Representation Standard. Sun Microsystems, RFC-1014, June 1987.
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NFS: Network File System Protocol Specification. Sun Microsystems, RFC-1094, March 1989.
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Bjarne Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, March 1986.
Andrew S. Tannenbaum. Operating Systems, Design and Implementation. Prentice Hall International, London, 1990.

Norman C. Hutchinson, Rajendra K. Raj, Andrew P. Black, Henry M. Levy and Eric Jul. The Emerald Programming Language. Technical Report 87-10-07, Department of Computer Science, University of Washington, Seattle, October 1987 (rev. August 1988).

Eric Jul, Rajenda K. Raj, Norman C. Hutchinson. The Emerald System. User's Guide. Department of Computer Science, University of Washington, Seattle, rev. November 1988.

[Inhaltsverzeichnis] [Voriges Kapitel]

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