Ylex - Yeti's Scanner
package require ylex ?0.4?
yeti::ylex name
name macro name regex ?...?
name macro args
name add ?options? regex script ?...?
name add ?options? args
name code token script
name dump
name configure -name ?value?
name configure -start ?value?
name configure -case ?value?
scannerName objName ?options?
name start string
name reset
name next
name step
name run
name configure -case ?value?
name configure -yydata ?value?
name configure -verbose ?value?
name configure -verbout ?value?
This manual page describes ylex, a scanner generator that
comes with the yeti package. ylex is modeled after the
standard lex utility, which is used to create scanners in
the C programming language.
A scanner consists of a number of rules. Each rule associ
ates a regular expression with a Tcl script; this script
is executed whenever the regular expression is matched in
the input. This code can either act on its own, or it can
generate a stream of tokens that can then be evaluated
outside of the scanner - e.g. in a parser.
ylex does not do the scanning by itself, rather it is
used, quite like lex, to generate scanners (by way of the
dump method). Generated scanners are [incr Tcl] classes
that act independently of ylex, see the Scanner section
below. These scanners can be customized; you can use the
code method to add user variables and methods to the
yeti::ylex name
Creates a new scanner generator by the name of
name. The new scanner generator has an empty set of
rules. options can be used to configure the scanner
generator's public variables, see the variables
section below.
name macro name regex ?...?
name macro args
Defines macros, which are regular expressions that
are stored for later use. Macros can be used in
other macros or rules using their name in angular
brackets, e.g. <digit> would reference the digit
macro. Macro names must be alphanumerical. In the
first form, the macro method takes an even number
of parameters. The first parameter of each pair is
the name, the second parameter is a regular expres
sion that may itself contain other macros. In the
second form, the method takes a list as single
parameter, where this list is composed as above of
alternating names and regular expressions. The sec
ond form may be more convenient to define multiple
name add ?options? regex script ?...?
name add ?options? args
Adds new rules to the scanner. In the first form,
the add method takes an even number of parameters
(not counting options). The first parameter of each
pair is a regular expression, the second parameter
is a script. In the second form, the method takes a
list as single parameter (not counting options),
where this list is composed as above of alternating
regular expressions and scripts.
Whenever the regular expression regex is matched in
the input string, its corresponding script will be
executed by the scanner.
The following options are supported:
This option has the same meaning as on reg
exp. In matching this rule, upper-case char
acters in the input will be treated as
-state name
This rule will only be considered if the
scanner is in the state name. See below for
more information.
-states names
Same as above, but names is a list of state
names in which the rule is active.
name code token script
Adds custom user code to the generated scanner.
token must be one of
Defines the class's constructor. The script
may have any of the formats allowed by [incr
Tcl], without the constructor keyword.
Defines the body of the class's destructor.
error Defines the body of the error handler that
is called whenever an error occurs, e.g.
errors executing a rule's script. script has
access to the yyerrmsg parameter, which con
tains a string with a description of the
error and its cause. script is supposed to
inform the user of the problem. The default
implementations prints the message to the
channel set in the verbout variable. script
is expected to return normally; the parser
then returns from the current invocation
with the original error.
reset The script is added to the body of the scan
ner's reset method.
Defines public, protected or private class
members. The script may contain many differ
ent member definitions, like the respective
keywords in an [incr Tcl] class definition.
name dump
Returns a script containing the generated scanner.
This method is called after all configuration
options have been set and all rules have been
added; the scanner generator object is usually
deleted after this method has been called. The
returned script can be passed to eval for instant
usage, or saved to a file, from where it can later
be sourced without involvement of the scanner gen
name configure -name ?value?
Defines the class name of the generated scanner
class. The default value is unnamed.
name configure -start ?value?
Defines the initial state for the scanner. Setting
this variable is only required if your scanner
needs multiple states, and you are not satisfied
with the default of INITIAL.
name configure -case ?value?
If set to 0 (zero), the generated scanner will be
case-insensitive (i.e. -nocase will be used on all
calls to regexp). The default value is 1 for a
case-sensitive scanner. This setting can be over
ridden on a rule-by-rule basis using the -nocase
option upon adding a rule.
Scanners are independent of ylex, their only dependency is
on [incr Tcl].
A scanner reads its input from a string that must be set
before scanning can begin. The regular expressions (rules)
are then repeatedly matched against the current input
position within this string. If more than one regular
expression matches text at a certain position, the rule
matching the most text is selected. If more than one regu
lar expression matches the same amount of text, the rule
that was added to the scanner generator first is selected.
If a rule matches, its associated script is executed, and
the read pointer is moved beyond the match. Unmatched text
in the input is ignored and skipped.
Scanners are [incr Tcl] objects, so its usual rules of
object handling (e.g. deletion of scanners) apply.
scannerName objName ?options?
Creates a new scanner instance by the name of obj
Name. options can be used to configure the scan
ner's public variables, see the scanner variables
section below.
objName start string
Initializes the scanner to scan string. Calling
start implies reset.
objName reset
Resets the scanner to the beginning of the input
string, and resets the state to the initial state.
If you want to scan a different string, you need
not call reset but only start.
objName next
Starts the scanning process. Regular expressions
are matched, and their scripts are executed. This
repeats until a script executes return or until end
of input is reached. If a script executes return,
the script's return value is returned. At the end
of input, an empty string is returned.
objName step
Single-steps the parser. This method returns after
a single match has been done, regardless of whether
its script executed return or not. step returns a
list of length three. The first element of this
list is the number of the rule that was matched or
-1 if at the end of input. The second element is 1
if the script executed return, 0 otherwise. The
third element is the script's return value if the
script executed return, empty otherwise.
objName run
Runs the scanning process to completion. next is
repeatedly called until the end of input has been
reached. A list of all the results returned from
next is returned.
objName configure -case ?value?
If this variable is zero, then the -nocase option
is implicitly set for all rules. The default value
is determined by the setting of the case variable
in the scanner generator. Setting this variable
after scanning has started may yield unexpected
results because of cached data.
objName configure -yydata ?value?
This variable holds the input string. This variable
is not meant to be modified, but it can be conve
niently configured upon object creation. If that is
done, there is no need to call the start method.
objName configure -yyindex ?value?
This variable holds the current index into the
input string. This variable is not meant to be set,
but reading it may be useful e.g. to determine the
position that causes an error in a parser. After an
invocation step or next, yyindex points to the
character after the current match.
objName configure -verbose ?value?
If this value is non-zero, the scanner prints debug
information about its processing. The larger ver
bose is, the more information is printed (sensible
values are 0 to 3). By default, no debug informa
tion is printed.
objName configure -verbout ?value?
This variable contains the channel that is used for
debug output. By default, this is stderr.
Scripts are executed in the context of the scanner.
Scripts have access to the following variables.
yytext This variable contains the text that was matched by
the regular expression.
This variable contains the current state of the
scanner. The script may modify this variable to
switch the scanner to a different state.
The absolute index of the first character of the
current match.
yyend The absolute index of the last character of the
current match.
<i> These variables ($1, $2 ...) contain any subexpres
sions matched by the regular expression.
ylex reserves names with the yy prefix, so scripts should
not use or access variables with this prefix other than
those documented here. Also, a scanner's public methods
and variables as seen above must be respected.
Initially, a scanner is in the initial state as determined
by the start variable of the scanner generator. Scripts
can switch to a different state by modifying the yystate
variable during execution of a script. In each state, only
a subset of all rules will be considered, as determined by
the -state or -states options upon adding rules to the
scanner generator; if no such option was used when adding
a rule, it will be active in all states.
Unmatched text in the input is ignored. In order to throw
an error upon unmatched text, add a "catch-all" rule at
the end of the rule set (usually with the regular expres
sion "." that matches any character).
Subexpressions are available in the $<i> variables only
when using Tcl 8.3 or above.
It is illegal to have rules that match the empty string.
There should be a means of reading data from elsewhere
than a string. It might be inconvenient to have all the
input in memory. However, that is not possible with the
current regexp engine.
Maybe there should be the possibility to read a lex-like
input file.
scanner, parser, token
Man(1) output converted with