Walt Disney's
Sleeping Beauty
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, a beautiful princess was born ...
a princess destined by a terrible curse to prick her finger on the spindle
of a spinning wheel and become Sleeping Beauty. Masterful Disney animation
and Tchaikovsky's celebrated musical score enrich the romantic, humorous and
suspenseful story of the lovely Princess Aurora, the tree magical fairies
Flora, Fauna and Merryweather, and the valiant Prince Phillip, who vows to
save his beloved princess. Phillips bravery and devotion are challenged
when he must confront the overwhelming forces of evil conjured up by the
wicked and terrifying Maleficent. Embark on a spectacular adventure of
unprecedented scale and excitement in this thrilling, timeless Disney
distributed by
Buena Vista
film distribution co., inc.
Walt Disney
Sleeping Beauty
Technirama(r) Technicolor(r)
With the Talents of
Mary Costa Bill Shirley
Eleanor Audley Verna Felton
Barbara Luddy Barbara Jo Allen
Taylor Holmes Bill Thompson
Production Supervisor . . . . . Ken Peterson
Sound Supervisor . . . . . . Robert O. Cook
Film Editors . . . . . . Roy M. Brewer, Jr.
Donald Halliday
Music Editor . . . . . . . . Evelyn Kennedy
Special Processes . . . . . . . . Ab Iwerks
Eustace Lycett
(c)Copyright MCMLVIII - Walt Disney Productions - All Rights Reserved
Music Adaptation George Bruns
Adapted from Tchaikovsky's "Sleeping Beauty Ballet"
George Bruns Erdman Penner
Tom Adair Sammy Fain
Winston Hibler Jack Lawrence
Ted Sears
Choral Arrangements John Karig
Story Adaptation Erdman Penner
From the Charles Perrault version of Sleeping Beauty
Additional Story Joe Kinaldi
Winston Hibler Bill Peet
Ted Sears Ralph Wright
Milt Banta
Production Design
Don Da Gradi Ken Anderson
McLaren Stewart Tom Codrick
Don Griffith Erni Nordli
Basil Davidovich Victor Haboush
Joe Hale Homer Jonas
Jack Huber Kay Aragon
Color Styling Eyvind Earle
Frank Armitage Thelma Witmer
Al Dempster Walt Peregoy
Bill Layne Ralph Hulett
Dick Anthony Fil Mottola
Richard H. Thomas Anthony Kizzo
Character Styling Tom Oreb
Directing Animators
Milt Kahl
Frank Thomas
Marc Davis
Ollie Johnston
John Lounsbery
Character Animation
Hal King Hal Ambro Don Lusk
Blaine Gibson John Sibley Bob Carlson
Ken Hultgren Harvey Toombs Fred Kopietz
George Nicholas Bob Youngquist Eric Cleworth
Henry Tanous John Kennedy Ken O'Brien
Effects Animation
Dan MacManus Joshua Meador
Jack Boyd Jack Buckley
Supervising Director Clyde Geronimi
Sequence Directors
Eric Larson
Wolfgang Keitherman
Les Clark
[The book opens and shows the story told here]
- Narrator:
- In a far away land, long ago,
lived a king and his fair queen.
Many years had they longed for a child
and finally their wish was granted.
A daughter was born, and they called her Aurora.
Yes, they named her after the dawn
for she filled their lives with sunshine.
Then a great holiday was proclaimed
throughout the kingdom,
so that all of high or low estate
might pay homage to the infant princess.
And our story begins on that most joyful day.
[a crowd is on its way to the castle]
- Choir:
- Joyfully now to our princess we come,
Bringing gifts and all good wishes too.
We pledge our loyalty anew.
Hail to the princess Aurora!
All of her subjects adore her!
Hail to the King!
Hail to the Queen!
Hail to the princess Aurora!
Health to the princess,
Wealth to the princess,
Long live the princess Aurora!
Hail Aurora!
Hail Aurora!
Health to the princess,
Wealth to the princess,
Long live the princess Aurora!
Hail to the King!
Hail to the Queen!
Hail to the princess Aurora!
[inside the castle]
- Narrator:
- Thus on this great and joyous day
did all the kingdom celebrate
the long awaited royal birth.
And good King Stefan and his Queen
made welcome their life long friend.
- Announcer:
- Their royal highnesses,
King Hubert and prince Phillip
- Narrator:
- Fondly had these monarchs dreamed
one day their kingdoms to unite.
Thus today would they announce
that Phillip, Huberts son and heir
to Stefan's child would be betrothed.
And so to her his gift he brought,
and looked, unknowing, on his future bride.
- Announcer:
- The most honored and exalted excellencies,
the three good fairies.
Mistress Flora,
mistress Fauna,
and mistress Merryweather.
- Fairies:
- [at the cradle]
Oh, the little darling!
[to the king]
Your majesties,
- Flora:
- Each of us the child may bless
with a single gift.
No more, no less.
[at the cradle]
Little princess,
my gift shall be the gift of beauty.
- Choir:
- One gift, beauty rare
Full of sunshine in her hair
Lips that shame the red red rose
She'll walk with springtime
Wherever she goes
- Fauna:
- Tiny princess,
my gift shall be the gift of song.
- Choir:
- One gift, the gift of song
Melody her whole life long
The nightingale's her troubadour
Bringing her sweet serenade
to her door
- Merryweather:
- Sweet princess,
my gift shall be ...
[A blow of the wind, the door of the castle swings open. Lightning and thunder. Maleficent appears]
- Flora:
- Why, it's Maleficent!
- Merryweather:
- What does she want here?
- Fauna:
- Shhh!
- Maleficent:
- Well, quite a glittering assemblage, King Stefan.
Royalty, nobility, the gentry, and,
how quaint, even the rebel.
[Merryweather starts angrily starts to fly towards Maleficent but is held back by Flora]
- Merryweather:
- I really felt quite distressed
of not receiving an invitation.
- Merryweather:
- You weren't wanted!
- Maleficent:
- Not wa...?
Oh dear, what an awkward situation.
I had hoped it was merely due to some oversight.
Well, in that event I'd best be on my way.
- Queen:
- And you're not offended, your excellency?
- Maleficent:
- Why no, your majesty.
And to show I bear no ill will,
I, too, shall bestow a gift on the child.
[The fairies protect the cradle]
- Maleficent:
- Listen well, all of you!
The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty,
beloved by all who know her.
But, before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday,
she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a
spinning wheel and die.
- Queen:
- Oh no!
[takes the child in her arm]
- Maleficent:
- Ha, ha, ha, ha!
- Stefan:
- Seize that creature!
- Maleficent:
- Stand back you fools.
[disappears in a flash of lightning, laughing]
- Flora:
- Don't despair, your majesties.
Merryweather still has her gift to give.
- Stefan:
- Then she can undo this fearful curse?
- Merryweather:
- Oh no, sire.
- Flora:
- Maleficent's powers are far too great.
- Fauna:
- But she can help!
- Merryweather:
- But ...
- Fauna:
- Just do your best, dear.
- Flora:
- Yes ...
- Merryweather:
- Sweet princess,
if through this wicked witches trick
a spindle should your finger prick,
a ray of hope there still may be in this,
the gift I give at thee.
Not in death but just in sleep
the fateful prophecy you'll keep,
and from this slumber you shall wake
when true love's kiss the spell shall break.
- Choir:
- For true love conquers all
- Narrator:
- But King Stefan, still fearful of his daughter's life,
did then and there decree
that every spinning wheel in the kingdom
should on that very day be burnt.
So it was done.
[The fairies alone in the castle, drinking tea]
- Flora:
- Silly fiddle faddle!
- Fauna:
- Now, come have a nice cup of tea, dear.
I'm sure it'll work out somehow.
- Merryweather:
- Well, a bonfire won't stop Maleficent.
- Flora:
- Of course not. But what will?
- Fauna:
- Well, perhaps if we reason with her.
- Flora:
- Reason?
- Merryweather:
- With Maleficent?
- Fauna:
- Well, she can't be all bad.
- Flora:
- Oh, yes, she can.
- Merryweather:
- I'd like to turn her into a fat ole hoptoad!
- Fauna:
- Now, dear, that isn't a very nice thing to say.
- Flora:
- Besides, we can't. You know our magic doesn't work that way.
- Fauna:
- It can only do good, dear, to bring joy and happiness.
- Merryweather:
- Well, that would make me happy.
- Flora:
- But there must be some way ...
There he is!
- Merryweather:
- There he is?
- Fauna:
- What is it, Flora?
- Flora:
- I'm going to ... shh, shh, shh!
Even walls have ears.
[Flora sneaks around the corners]
- Flora:
- Follow me!
[Flora minimizes herself, the other two follow her into the insides of a something on the table]
- Flora:
- I'll turn her into a flower!
- Merryweather:
- Maleficent?
- Flora:
- Oh no, dear, the princess!
- Fauna:
- Oh she'd make a lovely flower.
- Flora:
- Don't you see, a flower can't prick its finger.
- Merryweather:
- It hasn't any.
- Fauna:
- That's right.
- Flora:
- She'll be perfectly safe.
- Merryweather:
- Until Maleficent sends a frost.
- Flora:
- Yes, a ... oh dear!
- Fauna:
- She always ruins your nicest flowers.
- Flora:
- You're right.
And she'll be expecting us to do something like that.
- Merryweather:
- But what won't she expect, she knows everything.
- Fauna:
- Oh but she doesn't dear.
Maleficent doesn't know anything about love,
or kindness, or the joy of helping earnest.
You know, sometimes I don't think she's
really very happy.
- Flora:
- [getting excited]
That's it, of course!
It's the only thing she can't understand,
and won't expect.
[to herself]
oh, oh, now, now ...
We have to plan it carefully,
let's see, woodcutters cottage,
yes, yes, the abandoned one,
of course the King and Queen will object,
but when we explain it's the only way ...
- Merryweather:
- Explain what?
- Flora:
- About the three peasant women
raising a foundling child
deep in the forest.
- Fauna:
- Oh, that's very nice of them.
- Merryweather:
- Who are they?
- Flora:
- Turn around!
[While Merryweather and Fauna turn around to face a mirror, Flora changes their outfit to peasantness]
- Fauna:
- iih ... why, it's ... us!
- Merryweather:
- You mean, we, us?
- Fauna:
- Take care of the baby?
- Flora:
- Why not?
- Fauna:
- Oh, i'd like that!
- Merryweather:
- [notices that her dress is pink and changes its color to blue]
Well, yes, yes, but will we have to feed it?
- Fauna:
- And wash it and dress it
and rock it to sleep.
Oh I'd love it.
- Merryweather:
- You really think we can?
- Flora:
- If humans can do it, so can we.
- Merryweather:
- And we have our magic to help us.
- Fauna:
- That's right.
- Flora:
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no magic!
I'll take those wands right now.
Oh, better get rid of those wings, too.
- Merryweather:
- You mean, live like mortals?
For sixteen years? [Flora removes Merryweather's wings]
Now, we don't know how.
We've never done anything without magic.
- Flora:
- And that's why Maleficent will never suspect.
- Merryweather:
- But who'll wash, and cook?
- Flora:
- Oh, we'll all pitch in.
- Fauna:
- I'll take care of the baby!
- Flora:
- Let me have it, dear. [still hunting for Merryweather's wand]
- Flora:
- Come along now,
We must tell their majesties at once.
[Flora changes herself to normal size, but first forgets about Fauna and Merryweather]
- Fauna:
- Flora!
- Merryweather:
- Flora!
[Flora notices and blows up Fauna and Merryweather. They leave the room]
[Outside the castle. We see Stefan and the Queen at a balcony looking down towards the the fairies carrying the baby away]
- Narrator:
- So the king and his queen watched with heavy hearts
as their most precious posession, their only child,
disappeared into the night.
[the storybook]
- Narrator:
- Many sad and lonely years passed by
for King Stefan and his people.
But as the time for the princesses
sixteenth birthday drew near,
the entire kingdom began to rejoice.
For everyone knew that as long as Maleficent's domain,
the forbidden mountains,
thundered with her wrath and frustration,
her evil prophecy had not yet been fulfilled.
[inside Maleficent's castle. Maleficent talks to her search patrol]
- Maleficent:
- It's incredible,
sixteen years and not a trace of her!
She couldn't have vanished into thin air.
Are you sure you searched everywhere?
- 1st servant:
- yeah, yeah, anywhere,
we all ...
- 2nd servant:
- yeah, yeah!
- Maleficent:
- But what about the town, the forests, the mountains?
- 1st servant:
- We searched mountains, forests, and houses, and let me see,
in all the cradles.
- Maleficent:
- Cradle?
- 1st servant:
- Yeah, yeah, every cradle.
- Maleficent:
- [angry]
[to her pet raven]
Did you hear that my pet?
All these years, they've been looking for a baby!
oh, oh, ha, ha, ha ...
- Servants:
- [join laughter]
ha, ha, ha ...
- Maleficent:
- [abruptly stops laughing]
Fools! Idiots! Imbeciles!
[drives her search patrol away]
[alone with her pet again]
Oh, they're hopeless.
A disgrace to the forces of evil.
[talking to the raven]
My pet, you are my last hope.
Circle far and wide,
search for a maid of sixteen
with hair of sunshine gold and lips red as the rose.
Go, and do not fail me.
[pet flies away]
[The camera approaches a house in the woods]
- Narrator:
- And so for sixteen long years the whereabouts of the
princess remained a mystery,
while deep in the forest, in a woodcutter's cottage,
the good fairies carried out their well-laid plan.
Living like mortals, they had reared the child as their own
and called her Briar Rose.
[A window of the cottage opens, and Briar Rose appears, humming some tune]
- Narrator:
- On this her sixteenth birthday
the good fairies had planned a party
and something extra special for her surprise.
[The camera turns downward. The fairies sit over a book of dresses]
- Merryweather:
- How about this one?
- Flora:
- This is the one I picked.
- Fauna:
- Oh she'll look beautiful in it.
- Flora:
- Now I thought a few changes here ...
- Merryweather:
- Aha
- Fauna:
- Don't forget a pretty bow ...
- Flora:
- And there's the shoulder line.
- Merryweather:
- We'll make it blue.
- Flora:
- Oh no, dear, pink.
- Merryweather:
- But ...
- Flora:
- Of course, we'll need a few pleats
- Fauna:
- Yes, but how are we going to get her out of the house?
- Flora:
- Oh, I'll think of something.
[Briar Rose comes down the stairs and finds the fairies]
- Briar Rose:
- Well, and what are you three dears up to?
- Merryweather:
- Up to?
- Fauna:
- Up to?
- Flora:
- Up to?
- Flora:
- eh, eh, eh, we, we, well, we, we ...
- Merryweather:
- Want you to pick some berries.
- Flora:
- That's it, berries!
- Briar Rose:
- Berries?
- Fauna:
- Lots of berries.
- Briar Rose:
- But I picked berries yesterday.
- Flora:
- Oh, we need more, dear.
- Fauna:
- Lots, lots more.
- Flora:
- Yes!
[The fairies push Briar Rose out of the house]
- Flora:
- Now don't hurry back, dear.
- Merryweather:
- And don't go to far.
- Flora:
- And don't speak to strangers.
- Fauna:
- Goodbye, dear!
- Merryweather:
- Goodbye!
- Flora:
- Goodbye!
- Briar Rose:
- Goodbye!
[The fairies close the door and get back inside]
- Merryweather:
- I wonder if she suspects.
- Flora:
- Of course not, come on.
Will she be surprised!
- Merryweather:
- A real birthday party.
- Fauna:
- With a real birthday cake.
- Flora:
- Yes, and a dress a princess can be proud of.
- Merryweather:
- I'll get the wands.
- Flora:
- Yes, you ... the wands?
- Fauna:
- Oh no.
- Flora:
- No magic!
- Merryweather:
- But the sixteen years are almost over.
- Flora:
- We're taking no chances.
- Merryweather:
- But, I never baked a fancy cake.
- Flora:
- Oh, you won't have to, dear.
- Fauna:
- I'm going to bake the cake.
- Merryweather:
- You?
- Flora:
- She's always wanted to, dear, and this is her last chance.
- Merryweather:
- Well, ...
- Fauna:
- I'm going to make it fifteen layers
with pink and blue, forgive-me-nots ...
- Flora:
- And i'm making the dress.
- Merryweather:
- But you can't sow,
and she's never cooked!
- Flora:
- Oh, it's simple.
- Fauna:
- All you do is follow the book.
[Flora directs Merryweather to stand on a chair]
- Flora:
- Up here dear, you can be the dummy.
- Merryweather:
- Well, I still say we ought to use magic.
[Flora throws a sheet of pink cloth above Merryweather and begins cutting with a pair of scissors. Fauna has laid all the ingredients for the cake before her.]
- Fauna:
- [reads from the book]
Flour, three cups.
Cups, cups, cups, cups, cups ...
[finds three cups of different sizes and uses them to pour flour into the bowl]
One, two, three.
[Flora has cut a circular hole into the sheet]
- Merryweather:
- What's that for?
- Flora:
- Well, it's got to have a hole in the bottom.
- Fauna:
- That's for the feet to go through.
- Merryweather:
- It's pink!
- Flora:
- Oh, lovely shade, isn't it.
- Merryweather:
- But I wanted it blue.
- Flora:
- Now, dear, we decided pink was her color.
- Merryweather:
- You decided!
- Fauna:
- [still reads from the book]
Two eggs, fold in gently
Oh well.
[Fauna puts two eggs into the bowl and starts to fold them in. We hear their shells cracking. Merryweather is completely hulled into the pink cloth]
- Merryweather:
- I can't breathe!
[Flora cuts the cloth open at the top. Merryweather takes a look at the dress from the inside]
- Merryweather:
- It looks awful.
- Flora:
- That's because it's on you, dear.
- Fauna:
- [at her cake]
Now yeast, one tsp.
- Merryweather:
- One teaspoon!
- Fauna:
- One teaspoon, of course.
[Flora measures some size of the dress]
- Flora:
- Oh gracious how the child has grown.
- Merryweather:
- Oh, it seems only yesterday we brought her here.
- Fauna:
- Just a tiny baby.
[Merryweather loses a tear]
- Flora:
- Why Merryweather!
- Fauna:
- Whatever's the matter, dear?
- Merryweather:
- After the day she'll be a princess,
and we won't have any Briar Rose.
- Fauna:
- Oh Flora!
- Flora:
- We all knew this day had to come.
- Fauna:
- But why did it have to come so soon?
- Flora:
- After all, we've had her for sixteen years.
- Merryweather:
- Sixteen wonderful years.
- Flora:
- Good gracious, We're acting like a lot of ninnies!
Come on, she'll be back before we get started.
[Briar Rose walking through the forest. she starts to sing. Birds answer her singing and wake other animals, like chipmunks, rabbits and one owl. They all come listening]
[The camera turns to the background, where Phillip rides on his horse. Briar Rose's singing is still faintly heard]
- Phillip:
- [to his horse]
Hear that, Samson?
What is it?
Come on, let's find out.
[turns his horse around, but it struggles back]
Oh, come on!
For an extra bucket of oats,
and a few carrots?
[horse nods with his head]
Hop boy!
[They ride of towards the singing. While Samson jumps over a log, Phillip gets caught in a tree and falls off]
- Phillip:
- Ohhh!
[Phillip is heard splashing into the water. Samson holds and looks at him. Phillip sprinkles some water at Samson]
- Phillip:
- No carrots!
[The camera turns again to Briar Rose. She's surrounded by the animals of the forest, picks berries and sings]
- Briar Rose:
- I wonder,
I wonder,
I wonder why each little bird
Has a someone to sing to
Sweet things to
A gay little love melody.
I wonder,
I wonder,
If my heart keeps singing
Will my song go wing-ing
To someone
Who'll find me
And bring back a love song
To me!
[speaking more to herself than to the birds, but they listen and answer her]
- Briar Rose:
- Oh dear,
why do they still treat me like a child.
- Owl:
- Who?
- Briar Rose:
- Why, Flora and Fauna and Merryweather.
They never want me to meet anyone.
[to the animals]
But you know something?
I fooled 'em.
I have met someone!
- Owl:
- Who?
[the animals get more and more excited as she tells the story]
- Briar Rose:
- Oh, a prince.
Well, he's tall and handsome and ...
and so romantic.
Oh we walked together,
and talked together,
and just before we say goodbye,
he takes me in his arms,
and then ...
I wake up.
[the animals sink their heads]
- Briar Rose:
- Yes, it's only in my dreams.
But they say if you dream a thing more than once,
It's sure to come true.
And I've seen him so many times!
[A chipmunk sees the prince's wet clothes hanging in a tree. He and the other animals put their heads together, make a plan and get over to that tree]
- Phillip:
- You know samson,
There was something strange about that voice.
Too beautiful to be real.
Maybe it was a mysterious being, a wood sprite ...
[Samson sees the animals running off with the clothes and neighs]
There, stop!
[The owl dresses in Phillip's cape and hat and is lifted by birds, one rabbit each take the shoes, and together they approach Briar Rose]

- Briar Rose:
- Oh, why, it's my dream prince! [See Note #2]
Your highness!
No, I'm really not supposed to speak to strangers.
But we've met before!
[dances with her 'dream prince', singing]
I know you
I walked with you
Once upon a dream
I know you
The gleam in your eyes
Is so familiar a gleam
[Phillip and Samson approach the scene, but hide behind a tree]
- Briar Rose:
- And I know it's true
That visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
The way you did
Once upon a dream
[while Briar Rose turns around, Phillip grabs the animals and places himself instead. Briar Rose still can't see him]
- Briar Rose:
- But if I know you
I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
[Phillip joins her singing]
- Both:
- The way you did
[Briar Rose stops to sing, Phillip continues]
- Phillip:
- Once upon a dream
- Briar Rose:
- Oh?
[turns around and sees Phillip]
[tries halfheartedly to run off, but is held by Phillip]
- Phillip:
- I'm awfully sorry.
I didn't mean to frighten you.
- Briar Rose:
- Oh it wasn't that.
It's just that you're a, a ...
- Phillip:
- A stranger?
- Briar Rose:
- Hmm-hmm.
- Phillip:
- But don't you remember?
We've met before!
- Briar Rose:
- We, we have?
- Phillip:
- Of course,
You said so yourself:
Once upon a dream!
I know you
I walked with you
Once upon a dream
I know you
The gleam in your eyes
Is so familiar a gleam
[We see them from remote waltzing at a lake]
- Choir:
- And I know it's true
That visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you
I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
The way you did
Once upon a dream
[they stop dancing. Phillip lays his arm around Briar Rose]

- Phillip:
- Who are you,
what's your name?
- Briar Rose:
- Hmm?
Oh, my name.
Why, it's, it's ...
Oh no, no, I can't, I ...
[runs off]
- Phillip:
- But when will I see you again?
- Briar Rose:
- Oh never, never!
- Phillip:
- Never?
- Briar Rose:
- Well, maybe someday.
- Phillip:
- When, tomorrow?
- Briar Rose:
- Oh no, this evening.
- Phillip:
- Where?
- Briar Rose:
- At the cottage, in the glen.
[Inside the cottage. Fauna ist lighting the candles on the cake, which starts to melt down. She tries to hold it with a broom]
- Fauna:
- Well, what do you think of it?
[Merryweather is still standing as a dolly in a bad joke of a dress]
- Flora:
- Why, it's a very unusual cake, isn't it?
- Fauna:
- Yes.
Of course it'll be much stiffer after it's bake.
- Flora:
- Of course, dear.
What do you think of the dress?
- Fauna:
- Well, it's not exactly the way it is in the book, is it?
- Flora:
- Well, I improved a bit!
But perhaps if I added few more ruffolds?
What do you think?
- Fauna:
- I think so.
What do you think, Merryweather?
- Merryweather:
- [struggles out of the dress, which falls to pieces]
I think we've had enough of this nonsense.
I think we ought to think of Rose,
and what she'll think of this mess.
I still think what I thunk before.
I'm going to get those wands.
[going off]
- Fauna:
- You know, I think she's right.
- Merryweather:
- Here they are, good as new.
- Flora:
- Careful, Merryweather!
Quick, lock the doors.
Flora, you close the windows.
Pluck up every cranny,
We can't take any chances!
And now,
[to Flora]
you take care of the cake,
- Merryweather:
- While I ...
- Flora:
- Clean the room, dear,
And I'll make the dress.
Well, hurry!
[Merryweather shortly gets angry but then starts cleaning up]
- Merryweather:
- Come on, bucket, mob, broom,
Flora says, clean up the room!
[they immediately start to sweep everything clean]
- Flora:
- And now to make a lovely dress,
fit the grace of fair princess.
[works another sheet of pink cloth with her wand]
- Fauna:
- Eggs, flour, milk,
[the ingredients come walking]
just do it the way it's here in the book.
I'll put on the candles.
[the cake starts to bake itself]
[Everything proceeds smoothly and quickly, but then Merryweather sees the dress]
- Merryweather:
- Oh no, not pink.
Make it blue.
[she makes it blue]
- Flora:
- Merryweather!
Make it pink.
[she makes it pink]
- Merryweather:
- Blue.
[makes it blue]
- Flora:
- Pink.
[makes it pink]
- Merryweather:
- Blue.
[this time Flora stands before the dress and gets blue herself]
[They start fighting over the color. The camera turns to the fireplace, where blazes of color go through the chimney. We see the house from the outside, and Maleficent's pet raven, who sees the fireworks. Inside the house, the 'war' continues, until they both hit the dress at the same time, with the result that it looks like two cans of color were emptied on it]
- Flora:
- Look what you've done!
- Fauna:
- Shh, listen!
[we hear Briar Rose humming 'once upon a dream']
- Merryweather:
- It's Rose!
- Flora:
- She's back, enough of this foolishness.
- Flora:
- [at the dress]
Make it pink.
[makes it pink]
Now hide, quick.
- Merryweather:
- Blue.
[makes it blue]
[outside, Briar Rose hurries toward the house]
- Briar Rose:
- And Flora,
[inside, the mob is still sweeping the floor]
- Flora:
- Good gracious, who left the mob running?
- Merryweather:
- Stop, mob!
[Briar Rose opens the door and enters. Maleficent's raven appears in the door]
- Briar Rose:
- And Flora, Fauna, Merryweather!
Where is everybody?
[sees dress and cake]
- Fairies:
- Surprise, surprise!
- Fauna:
- Happy birthday!
- Briar Rose:
- Oh you darlings,
this is the happiest day of my life.
Everything's so wonderful,
just wait till you meet him.
- Fauna:
- Him?
- Merryweather:
- Rose!
- Flora:
- You've met some stranger?
- Briar Rose:
- Oh he's not a stranger,
we've met before.
- Flora:
- You have?
- Merryweather:
- Where?
- Briar Rose:
- Once upon a dream!
[starts singing, and dances with Fauna]
I know you
I walked with you
Once upon a dream ...
- Fauna:
- She's in love.
- Merryweather:
- Oh no.
- Flora:
- This is terrible!
- Briar Rose:
- [startled]
Why? After all, I am sixteen.
- Flora:
- It isn't that, dear.
- Fauna:
- You're already betrothed.
- Briar Rose:
- Betrothed?
- Merryweather:
- Since the day you were born.
- Fauna:
- To prince Phillip, dear.
- Briar Rose:
- But that's impossible!
How could I marry a prince,
I'd have to be ...
- Merryweather:
- A princess.
- Fauna:
- And you are dear!
- Flora:
- Princess Aurora.
Tonight, we're taking you back to your father, King Stefan.
[the raven flies off]
- Briar Rose:
- But, but I can't!
He's coming here tonight,
I promised to meet him.
- Flora:
- I'm sorry, child,
but you must never see that young man again.
- Briar Rose:
- Oh, no, no!
I can't believe it.
No, no!
[Briar Rose runs upward to her room]
- Merryweather:
- And we thought she'd be so happy.
[Briar Rose lies on her bed, crying]
[Stefan castle. He's standing at the window, looking outside. Hubert is with him, eating]
- Stefan:
- [sighs]
No sign of her yet, Hubert.
- Hubert:
- 'course not.
Good half hour 'till sunset.
[takes a bite]
Ah, excellent bird!
[looks at Stefan]
Oh now, come on, wake up,
battle's over,
girl's as good as here.
- Stefan:
- I'm sorry, Hubert, but after sixteen years of worrying,
never knowing ...
- Hubert:
- The past, all in the past.
[claps his hands. The Lackey [See Note #1] arrives with a bottle of wine]
Tonight, we toast to future
with something i've been saving for sixteen years.
[fills two glasses]
Here, to the future!
- Stefan:
- Right, Hubert, to the future!
- Hubert:
- Skumps!
- Stefan:
- Skumps
- Hubert:
- A toast to this knight
- Stefan:
- The outlook is rosy
- Hubert:
- The future is bright
- Both:
- Our children will marry
Our kingdoms unite
Skumps, Skumps, Skumps!
- Hubert:
- Ah, excellent vintage.
And now, to the new home, ey?
- Stefan:
- New home?
- Hubert:
- Children need a nest of their own, what?
Place to raise their little brood, ey?
- Stefan:
- Well, I suppose in time ...
- Hubert:
- Of course.
To the home!
- Stefan:
- Skumps!
- Hubert:
- A toast to the home
- Stefan:
- One grander by far than
a palace in Rome
- Hubert:
- Let me fill up your glass,
That glass was all foam.
- Both:
- Skumps, Skumps, Skumps!
- Hubert:
- [claps his hands]
The plans!
[servant holds a castle's plan in front of Stefan face]
Well, what do you think?
Nothing elaborate, of course.
Forty bedrooms,
Dining hall,
Honeymoon cottage,
- Stefan:
- You mean, you're building it already?
- Hubert:
- Built man!
The love-birds can move in tomorrow.
- Stefan:
- Tomorrow?
But Hubert, they're not even married yet.
- Hubert:
- Take care of that tonight.
To the wedding!
- Stefan:
- Now hold on, Hubert.
I haven't even seen my daughter yet,
and you're taking her away from me.
- Hubert:
- Getting my Phillip aren't you?
- Stefan:
- Yes, but ...
- Hubert:
- Want to see our grandchildren, don't we?
- Stefan:
- Of course, but ...
- Hubert:
- There's no time to lose!
Getting on in years.
To the wedding!
- Stefan:
- Now be reasonable, Hubert.
After all, Aurora knows nothing about this.
- Hubert:
- Well?
- Stefan:
- Well, it may come as quite a shock ...
- Hubert:
- Shock? My Phillip a shock?
What's wrong with my Phillip?
- Stefan:
- Nothing, Hubert.
I only meant ...
- Hubert:
- Why, doesn't your daughter like my son
- Stefan:
- Now, now ...
I'm not so sure my son likes your daughter!
- Stefan:
- Now, see here ...
- Hubert:
- I'm not so sure my grandchildren want
You for a grandfather
- Stefan:
- Why, you unreasonable, pompous, blustering, old windbag!
- Hubert:
- Unreasonable, pompous ...
[grabs a fish and holds it like a sword]
En garde, sir!
- Stefan:
- I warn you, Hubert, this means war.
[uses a plate as a shield]
[they start to fight, fish against plate. then abruptly break into laughter]
- Hubert:
- What's this all about anyway?
- Stefan:
- Nothing Hubert, absolutely nothing.
- Hubert:
- The children are bound to fall in love with each other.
- Stefan:
- Precisely.
And as for grandchildren,
I'll have the royal woodcarvers
start work on the cradle tomorrow.
- Hubert:
- Splendid!
King size, of course.
- Stefan:
- Certainly.
To the woodcarver's guild!
[we hear an announcement outside]
- Announcer:
- His royal highness,
Prince Phillip
- Hubert:
- Phillip?
[runs downward to meet him]
[Before the castle. Phillip arrives on his horse]
- Hubert:
- Phillip! Phillip! Phillip, hold, Phillip!
[Phillip holds, Hubert runs to him]
Hurry, boy, hurry,
and change in something suitable.
Can't meet your future bride
looking like that.
- Phillip:
- Well, I have met her, father.
- Hubert:
- You have? where?
- Phillip:
- Once upon a dream.
[starts to sing, lifts his father and starts to dance with him]
- Hubert:
- Oh Phillip, stop it, stop that, why, Phillip,
Put me down!
[Phillip puts him down]
Now, what's all this dream nonsense?
- Phillip:
- It wasn't a dream, father.
I really did meet her!
- Hubert:
- Princess Aurora?
Good heavens,
we must tell Stefan!
Why this is the most ...
- Phillip:
- I didn't say it was Aurora.
- Hubert:
- You most certainly did, you said ...
- Phillip:
- I said I met the girl I was going to marry.
I don't know who she was,
a peasant girl I suppose.
- Hubert:
- A peasant g-g-girl?
You're going to marry a ...
Why Phillip, you're joking!
[to Samson] isn't he? [Samson shakes his head]
You can't do this to me!
Give up the throne, the kingdom,
for some, some nobody?
By Harry, I won't have it.
You're a prince,
and you're going to marry a princess!
- Phillip:
- Now father, you're living in the past.
This is the fourteenth century.
Nowadays ...
- Hubert:
- Nowadays I'm still the king,
and I command you to come to your senses.
- Phillip:
- ... and marry the girl I love.
- Hubert:
- Exactly!
- Phillip:
- Goodbye, father!
[rides off]
- Hubert:
- Goodbye, father!
Marry the girl you ...
No, no, Phillip, stop, come back, hold Phillip!
Oh, how will I ever tell Stefan?
[In the woods. The fairies and Aurora, with her head down, walk cautiously towards the castle. They get inside unnoticed into some room]
- Flora:
- All right, in here, dear.
- Merryweather:
- [closes the door and sighs]
- Flora:
- Lock the door, Merryweather!
Fauna, pull the drapes!
And now, dear,
if you'll just sit here.
This one last gift,
dear child for thee,
the symbol of thy royalty.
A crown to wear in grace and beauty,
as is thy right, and royal duty.
[The fairies set the crown on her head. Aurora again breaks into tears]
- Fauna:
- Now, dear.
- Flora:
- Come, let her have a few moments alone.
[they leave the room]
- Merryweather:
- It's that boy she met.
- Fauna:
- Whatever are we going to do?
[Inside the room, the fire goes out, and out of a shadow, Maleficent shortly appears, then there's only a ball of light visible. Aurora gets up in spell, and starts towards the light]
- Merryweather:
- I don't see why she has to marry
any old prince.
- Fauna:
- Now, that's not for us to decide, dear.
[inside, the mysterious light moves beyond the fireplace, where the wall opens]
- Fauna:
- Maybe we should tell King Stefan about the boy.
- Merryweather:
- Well, why don't we?
[they hear a faint sound from inside the room]
- Flora:
- Listen! Maleficent!
- Fairies:
- Rose, Rose!
[they open the door]
- Flora:
- Oh why did we leave her alone?
- Fairies:
- Rose, Rose!
[The fairies see Aurora walking through the fireplace, but the wall reappears. Aurora slowly walks up a staircase, following the light. The fairies try pushing the wall open, then Flora uses her magic]
- Fairies:
- Rose, Rose!
Where are you?
[There are multiple ways going off the fireplace. The fairies don't find the right way at once]
- Fairies:
- Rose!
[Briar Rose follows the light into a room in the tower, where the light turns into a spinning wheel. Aurora starts to reach towards it with her left hand]
- Fairies:
- Rose!
Don't touch anything!
[Aurora holds back. Without seeing her, we hear Maleficent saying]
- Maleficent:
- Touch the spindle.
Touch it I say!
[In a flash of light, Aurora touches the spindle with the middle finger. Just this moment, the fairies appear in the door]
- Fairies:
- Oh!
- Maleficent:
- You poor simple fools.
Thinking you could defeat me,
me, the mistress of all evil.
Well, here's your precious princess.
[Maleficent turns beside, revealing Aurora laying face-down on the floor. Maleficent disappears, laughing]
- Fauna:
- Rose!
- Flora:
- Oh Rose!
Oh, I'll never forgive myself.
- Fauna:
- We're all to blame!
[They start crying over Aurora's motionless body. the camera turns to the window, where the last rays of the setting sun shine in deep red]
[Inside the castle. King Stefan and the Queen sit on their throne. Hubert approaches Stefan]
- Hubert:
- Stefan, there's something important
I have to tell you.
- Stefan:
- Not now, Hubert.
- Hubert:
- But it's about Phillip.
- Stefan:
- Phillip, oh yes, of course, Phillip, why, where is the boy?
- Hubert:
- That's what i'm telling to tell you.
- Stefan:
- Well, send for him immediately!
- Hubert:
- But ...
[A fanfare sounds outside]
- Announcer:
- The sun has set,
make ready to welcome your princess!
[The crowd before the castle cheers, and fireworks are shot into the sky. The camera turns towards the tower]
[The fairies are crying at a bed they have placed Aurora on, a red rose in her hand. They go onto the balcony and see the cheering crowd]

- Fauna:
- Poor King Stefan and the Queen.
- Merryweather:
- They'll be heartbroken when they find out.
- Flora:
- They're not going to.
- Merryweather:
- They aren't?
- Flora:
- We'll put them all to sleep,
until Rose awakens.
[They fly around the castle, putting everyone to sleep. Flora has just put the spell on Hubert. While drifting off to sleep, he says ...]
- Hubert:
- Well, just been talking to Phillip.
Seems he's fallen in love with some peasant girl.
- Flora:
- Peasant girl?
Yes, yes?
The peasant girl, who is she?
Where did he meet her?
- Hubert:
- Just some peasant girl he met.
- Flora:
- Where, where?
- Hubert:
- Once upon a dream.
[finally falls asleep]
- Flora:
- Once upon a dr...
Rose! Prince Phillip!
[flies to Fauna and Merryweather]
Come on, we've got to get back to the cottage!
[The fairies hurriedly start towards back the cottage]
[Phillip on his horse, whistling 'once upon a dream' as he approaches the cottage. He knocks on the door]
- Maleficent:
- Come in!
[Phillip gets in and is surprised by a couple of Maleficent's servants. He struggles, but ultimately is completely tied. Maleficent and her raven watch the scene with deep satisfaction]

- Maleficent:
- [lighting his face with a candle]
Well, this is a pleasant surprise.
I set my trap for a peasant,
and lo! I catch a prince!
Away with him.
But gently, my pets, gently,
I have plans for our royal guest.
[The fairies are still on their way. As they arrive, they find the door open. They enter and find Phillip's hat on the floor]
- Fairies:
- Maleficent!
- Merryweather:
- She's got Prince Phillip!
- Flora:
- At the forbidden mountain.
- Fauna:
- But we can't,
we can't go there!
- Flora:
- We can, and we must.
[The fairies reach Maleficent's castle and cautiously approach it. They are surprised by some guards, but get in unnoticed. They find a window to a room where Maleficent is having a feast, with her 'pets' dancing around a huge fire]
- Maleficent:
- [talking to her raven]
What a pity prince Phillip can't be here
to enjoy the celebration.
Come, we must go to the dungeon and cheer him up.
[Maleficent walks toward the dungeon. her raven and the fairies follow her. Maleficent talks to Phillip, who sits chained to the wall, head down]
- Maleficent:
- Oh come now, prince Phillip.
Why so melancholy?
A wondrous future lies before you.
You, the destined hero
of a charming fairy tale come true.
[The fairies appear in the window of the dungeon. Maleficent uses her magic stick to depict the following]
- Maleficent:
- Behold, King Stefan's castle,
and in yonder topmost tower,
dreaming of her true love,
the princess Aurora.
But see the gracious whim of fate.
Why, 'tis the self same peasant maid,
who won the heart of our noble prince but yesterday.
She is indeed most wondrous fair.
Gold of sunshine in her hair,
lips that shame the red, red rose.
In ageless sleep she finds repose.
The years roll by, but a hundred years
to a steadfast heart are 'bout a day.
And now, the gates of the dungeon part,
and the prince is free to go his way.
Off he rides on his noble steed ...
[In Maleficent's imagery, the prince is shown to be old, anything but what she's telling. Her voice drips with sarcasm]
- Maleficent:
- ... a valiant figure, straight and tall,
to wake his love with love's first kiss,
and prove that true love conquers all.
[Phillip struggles in his chains. Merryweather starts towards Maleficent in anger]
- Merryweather:
- Why, you mean ...
[Merryweather is pulled back by Flora. The raven has noticed Merryweather speaking and turns towards the window, but doesn't see the hidden fairies]
- Maleficent:
- Come, my pet.
Let us leave our noble prince
with these happy thoughts.
[at the door]
A most gratifying day.
[outside the dungeon, she locks the door]
- Maleficent:
- For the first time in sixteen years I shall sleep well.
[The fairies approach Phillip]
- Flora:
- Shh, no time to explain.
[using their magic, they open Phillip's chains and the doorlock]
- Flora:
- Wait, prince Phillip.
The road to true love
may be barriered by still many more dangers,
which you alone will have to face.
So arm thyself with this enchanted shield of virtue
and this mighty sword of truth.
For these weapons of righteousness will
triumph over evil.
[Just outside the dungeon, the raven waits, which flies off screaming. The fairies and Phillip start upwards the stairs. The raven has called Maleficent's servants, which come streaming downstairs. Phillip fights some of them, but then they jump out a window. Some rocks are dropped towards Phillip]
- Flora:
- Phillip, watch out!
[Flora turns the rocks into soap-bubbles. A wall of arrows is shot but quickly turned into flying flowers. Merryweather frees Samson. Phillip rides off on Samson towards the gate, where hot oil is thrown. Flora turns it into a rainbow. The raven flies towards Maleficent's tower, trying to wake her. He is followed by Merryweather, who first fails to hit him with her magic. At last, she turns him into a stone raven just outside Maleficent's door. Maleficent appears in the door]
- Maleficent:
- Silence!
[to her raven]
You, tell those fools to ...
[notices that he is now of stone]
[sees Phillip escaping]
[the drawbridge is raised]
- Flora:
- Watch out, Phillip!
[Samson just makes it over the gap]
- Flora:
- Hurry, hurry, Phillip!
[Maleficent throws two spells, but cannot stop them]
- Maleficent:
- A forest of thorn shall be his tomb.
Born through the skies on a fog of doom.
Now go with the curse and serve me well,
Round Stefan's castle cast by spell!
[a black cloud appears over the castle. bolds of lightning strike everywhere, causing the growth of thick thorny bushes. Phillip has to stop before them]
- Maleficent:
- [laughs]
[Phillip stops only shortly, then starts cutting a way with his sword. finally, he is through]
- Maleficent:
- No, it cannot be!
[appears in front of Phillip]
Now shall you deal with me, old prince,
and all the powers of hell!
[transforms herself into a huge dragon]
[Phillip courageously starts towards her. But he has no chance against the fire-spying dragon. After a short fight, he must retreat. At a wall, he has to stop]
- Flora:
- [above the prince]
Hop! come this way
[Phillip climbs up, only to see that he is now trapped on a cliff. At another blaze of fire he loses his shield]
- Maleficent:
- [laughs]
[the fairies at the prince, they combine their magic on the sword]
- Flora:
- Now sword of truth fly swift and sure,
That evil die and good endure!
[Phillip throws the sword at the dragon, which is hit deadly and collapses]
[Phillip and the fairies get inside the castle and up to the tower, where Aurora lies on her bed. Phillip slowly walks towards her and gives her a faint kiss on the lips. Aurora awakens, sees Phillip and begins to smile]
[inside the throne room, everyone awakens, too]
- Stefan:
- Oh, ah, forgive me, Hubert, the wine ...
Now, you were saying?
- Hubert:
- I was? oh yes, well,
after all, Stefan, this is the fourteenth century.
- Stefan:
- Yes, you said that a moment ago.
- Hubert:
- Well, to come right to the point,
my son Phillip says he's going to marry ...
[Hubert is interrupted by a fanfare, or to be more precise, by the first notes from the 'Sleeping Beauty Waltz'. The fairies watch the scene from a balcony, as Aurora and Phillip appear arm in arm, walking down the stairs from above.]
- Stefan:
- It's Aurora, she's here!
- Hubert:
- [wipes his eyes, mouth open]
and Phillip!
[Aurora and Phillip knee down before the throne. Aurora then fondly embraces her mother]
- Hubert:
- [to Phillip]
What does this mean, boy?
I don't ...
[Aurora kisses Hubert on the cheek]
- Hubert:
- But, but, ...
[Aurora and Phillip start dancing]
- Hubert:
- [shakes his head]
I don't understand
[on the balcony, Fauna loses a tear]
- Flora:
- Why, Fauna, what's the matter, dear?
- Fauna:
- Oh, I just love happy endings.
- Flora:
- Yes, I do, too.
[notices that Aurora's dress is blue]
Oh, Blue?
[swings her wand]
[the dress changes to pink]
- Choir:
- I know you,
I walked with you
Once upon a dream
- Merryweather:
- Blue!
[the dress changes to blue]
- Choir:
- I know you,
The gleam in your eyes
Is so familiar a gleam
[The castle disappears around Aurora and Phillip, and they keep on dancing in the clouds. All the time, the dress keeps changing its color from blue to pink and back]
- Choir:
- And I know it's true
That visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you I know what you'll do
[Aurora and Phillip kiss each other. The storybook fades in, showing the exact same scene, and is slowly closed. The storybook says "And they lived happily ever after" below the picture. Still, the dress changes its color]
- Choir:
- You'll love me at once
The way you did
Once upon a dream
The End
A Walt Disney Production
Frank Pilhofer
<fp -AT- fpx.de>
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Last modified: Fri Aug 11 10:24:13 1995