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Chapter 3/6: Prince Phillip confronts the evil dragon!
- Maleficent:
- No, it cannot be!
[appears in front of Phillip]
Now shall you deal with me, old prince,
and all the powers of hell!
[transforms herself into a huge dragon]
[Phillip courageously starts towards her. But he has no chance against the fire-spying dragon. After a short fight, he must retreat. At a wall, he has to stop]
- Flora:
- [above the prince]
Hop! come this way
[Phillip climbs up, only to see that he is now trapped on a cliff. At another blaze of fire he loses his shield]
- Maleficent:
- [laughs]
[the fairies at the prince, they combine their magic on the sword]
- Flora:
- Now sword of truth fly swift and sure,
That evil die and good endure!
[Phillip throws the sword at the dragon, which is hit deadly and collapses]
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Frank Pilhofer
<fp -AT- fpx.de>
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Last modified: Fri Sep 22 12:31:31 1995