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Chapter 2/2: Phillip and Aurora sing "Once Upon A Dream"
[The owl dresses in Phillip's cape and hat and is lifted by birds, one rabbit each take the shoes, and together they approach Briar Rose]

- Briar Rose:
- Oh, why, it's my dream prince! [See Note #2]
Your highness!
No, I'm really not supposed to speak to strangers.
But we've met before!
[dances with her 'dream prince', singing]
I know you
I walked with you
Once upon a dream
I know you
The gleam in your eyes
Is so familiar a gleam
[Phillip and Samson approach the scene, but hide behind a tree]
- Briar Rose:
- And I know it's true
That visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
The way you did
Once upon a dream
[while Briar Rose turns around, Phillip grabs the animals and places himself instead. Briar Rose still can't see him]
- Briar Rose:
- But if I know you
I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
[Phillip joins her singing]
- Both:
- The way you did
[Briar Rose stops to sing, Phillip continues]
- Phillip:
- Once upon a dream
- Briar Rose:
- Oh?
[turns around and sees Phillip]
[tries halfheartedly to run off, but is held by Phillip]
- Phillip:
- I'm awfully sorry.
I didn't mean to frighten you.
- Briar Rose:
- Oh it wasn't that.
It's just that you're a, a ...
- Phillip:
- A stranger?
- Briar Rose:
- Hmm-hmm.
- Phillip:
- But don't you remember?
We've met before!
- Briar Rose:
- We, we have?
- Phillip:
- Of course,
You said so yourself:
Once upon a dream!
I know you
I walked with you
Once upon a dream
I know you
The gleam in your eyes
Is so familiar a gleam
[We see them from remote waltzing at a lake]
- Choir:
- And I know it's true
That visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you
I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
The way you did
Once upon a dream
[they stop dancing. Phillip lays his arm around Briar Rose]

- Phillip:
- Who are you,
what's your name?
- Briar Rose:
- Hmm?
Oh, my name.
Why, it's, it's ...
Oh no, no, I can't, I ...
[runs off]
- Phillip:
- But when will I see you again?
- Briar Rose:
- Oh never, never!
- Phillip:
- Never?
- Briar Rose:
- Well, maybe someday.
- Phillip:
- When, tomorrow?
- Briar Rose:
- Oh no, this evening.
- Phillip:
- Where?
- Briar Rose:
- At the cottage, in the glen.
[Inside the cottage. Fauna ist lighting the candles on the cake, which starts to melt down. She tries to hold it with a broom]
- Fauna:
- Well, what do you think of it?
[Merryweather is still standing as a dolly in a bad joke of a dress]
- Flora:
- Why, it's a very unusual cake, isn't it?
- Fauna:
- Yes.
Of course it'll be much stiffer after it's bake.
- Flora:
- Of course, dear.
What do you think of the dress?
- Fauna:
- Well, it's not exactly the way it is in the book, is it?
- Flora:
- Well, I improved a bit!
But perhaps if I added few more ruffolds?
What do you think?
- Fauna:
- I think so.
What do you think, Merryweather?
- Merryweather:
- [struggles out of the dress, which falls to pieces]
I think we've had enough of this nonsense.
I think we ought to think of Rose,
and what she'll think of this mess.
I still think what I thunk before.
I'm going to get those wands.
[going off]
- Fauna:
- You know, I think she's right.
- Merryweather:
- Here they are, good as new.
- Flora:
- Careful, Merryweather!
Quick, lock the doors.
Flora, you close the windows.
Pluck up every cranny,
We can't take any chances!
And now,
[to Flora]
you take care of the cake,
- Merryweather:
- While I ...
- Flora:
- Clean the room, dear,
And I'll make the dress.
Well, hurry!
[Merryweather shortly gets angry but then starts cleaning up]
- Merryweather:
- Come on, bucket, mop, broom,
Flora says, clean up the room!
[they immediately start to sweep everything clean]
- Flora:
- And now to make a lovely dress,
fit the grace of fair princess.
[works another sheet of pink cloth with her wand]
- Fauna:
- Eggs, flour, milk,
[the ingredients come walking]
just do it the way it's here in the book.
I'll put on the candles.
[the cake starts to bake itself]
[Everything proceeds smoothly and quickly, but then Merryweather sees the dress]
- Merryweather:
- Oh no, not pink.
Make it blue.
[she makes it blue]
- Flora:
- Merryweather!
Make it pink.
[she makes it pink]
- Merryweather:
- Blue.
[makes it blue]
- Flora:
- Pink.
[makes it pink]
- Merryweather:
- Blue.
[this time Flora stands before the dress and gets blue herself]
[They start fighting over the color. The camera turns to the fireplace, where blazes of color go through the chimney. We see the house from the outside, and Maleficent's pet raven, who sees the fireworks. Inside the house, the 'war' continues, until they both hit the dress at the same time, with the result that it looks like two cans of color were emptied on it]
- Flora:
- Look what you've done!
- Fauna:
- Shh, listen!
[we hear Briar Rose humming 'once upon a dream']
- Merryweather:
- It's Rose!
- Flora:
- She's back, enough of this foolishness.
- Flora:
- [at the dress]
Make it pink.
[makes it pink]
Now hide, quick.
- Merryweather:
- Blue.
[makes it blue]
[outside, Briar Rose hurries toward the house]
- Briar Rose:
- And Flora,
[inside, the mop is still sweeping the floor]
- Flora:
- Good gracious, who left the mop running?
- Merryweather:
- Stop, mop!
[Briar Rose opens the door and enters. Maleficent's raven appears in the door]
- Briar Rose:
- And Flora, Fauna, Merryweather!
Where is everybody?
[sees dress and cake]
- Fairies:
- Surprise, surprise!
- Fauna:
- Happy birthday!
- Briar Rose:
- Oh you darlings,
this is the happiest day of my life.
Everything's so wonderful,
just wait till you meet him.
- Fauna:
- Him?
- Merryweather:
- Rose!
- Flora:
- You've met some stranger?
- Briar Rose:
- Oh he's not a stranger,
we've met before.
- Flora:
- You have?
- Merryweather:
- Where?
- Briar Rose:
- Once upon a dream!
[starts singing, and dances with Fauna]
I know you
I walked with you
Once upon a dream ...
- Fauna:
- She's in love.
- Merryweather:
- Oh no.
- Flora:
- This is terrible!
- Briar Rose:
- [startled]
Why? After all, I am sixteen.
- Flora:
- It isn't that, dear.
- Fauna:
- You're already betrothed.
- Briar Rose:
- Betrothed?
- Merryweather:
- Since the day you were born.
- Fauna:
- To prince Phillip, dear.
- Briar Rose:
- But that's impossible!
How could I marry a prince,
I'd have to be ...
- Merryweather:
- A princess.
- Fauna:
- And you are dear!
- Flora:
- Princess Aurora.
Tonight, we're taking you back to your father, King Stefan.
[the raven flies off]
- Briar Rose:
- But, but I can't!
He's coming here tonight,
I promised to meet him.
- Flora:
- I'm sorry, child,
but you must never see that young man again.
- Briar Rose:
- Oh, no, no!
I can't believe it.
No, no!
[Briar Rose runs upward to her room]
- Merryweather:
- And we thought she'd be so happy.
[Briar Rose lies on her bed, crying]
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Frank Pilhofer
<fp -AT- fpx.de>
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Last modified: Fri Sep 22 12:31:56 1995