RAD Hosts List

Note: This is an ancient page from about 1995, listing old names and old email addresses. If you got to this page directly through a search machine, then before reading any further, you should step back to the main page and read these comments.

This is the list of RADHAHA members, an association of people willing to help you getting your questions answered

For validity, check the Last modified note at the bottom of this page. If you have any question regarding Disney, you can either pick the guru to your particular topic, or simply mail anyone of us, we will then forward your question to him.

If you are new to the world of Disney, you can also take a look at some general information that introduce you to terms you will come across.

NOTE: This list is alphabetical.

Frank Pilhofer <fp -AT- fpx.de> Back to the Homepage
Last modified: Wed Jan 16 11:20:38 2002